Find your people
Connect with people like you at the different stages of your life.

Cool vibes
Embrace cool vibes and real moments. We steer clear of toxicity and pretense.
We promote the publication of aesthetic and high-quality content; the web is already flooded with cat photos.
Your friends are the stars. Take a few bursts of photos when they are off guard and post some GIFs on their accounts.
Engage in vibrant discussions spanning today's most pressing topics to the trends that will shape tomorrow.
Connect with individuals who share facial features akin to yours, amplifying your social network in an entirely novel way.
Age segmented
By grouping users by age, similar to high school classes, connections are limited to individuals of the same generation for a safer and efficient interaction.
Not a dating app — just friends and relaxed relationships. Recapture the nostalgia of high school connections in a digital environment.
Powered By
Our App is powered by top companies around the world including Google Cloud, Meta, Amazon Web Services, Shopify, Expo, and Tenor.